Scrapbooking nowadays are so so so much more interesting than it was a decade or two ago. When I was a teen, I loved being creative with notebooks and was a stationery freak. (I wrap my unique ruler with a scotchtape to prevent scratches and discoloration) It still lives on till today, so I let my son use it freely. He always shakes slowly his head when I share my old stuff . Tsk Tsk.
Came across this at a bookshop, I felt elated at the sight of the package, tiny ornaments included! I bought it. I plan to relive my passion for scrapbooking. But I wonder when I can complete it. I am abit backdated, just started reading 5o Shades of Grey and hope to finish it first then I continue my scrapbooking with more enthusiasm. Meantime I keep stock of glues and more pretty add-ons I come across. :D
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